How to Declutter Your Home Faster

December 22, 2023

How to Declutter Your Home Faster

We all live busy lives, and a cluttered home can do more than just look bad—it can stress us out and slow us down. Decluttering isn’t just about making more room; it’s about improving how you live at home. So, how can you clear out clutter quickly without missing anything? 

This guide will show you some practical strategies to make decluttering not just easy, but also enjoyable.

Start with Easy, Small Spots

Make a Simple Plan

First, think about what you want to achieve. Maybe you’re looking to have a living room with fewer things around or a workspace where everything is in order.

Set easy, clear goals for yourself. These goals will keep you on track and excited about making changes.

Break these big goals into smaller tasks so it’s not too much at once. For example, you might plan to clean out one shelf a day. This way, you can see your progress step by step and not feel too pressured.

Start with Easy, Small Spots

It’s best to begin with something small and easy. You could choose just one drawer in your kitchen or a corner of your bedroom. Cleaning these small areas can show results quickly. You’ll see the difference right away, which feels great. This success can give you the boost you need to tackle bigger spaces.

After you’ve done a few small spots, you’ll feel more ready and confident to clean larger areas, like an entire closet or a whole room.

Use the Four-Box Trick

This method uses four boxes to sort your things:

Keep: Put items in this box that you use regularly and want to keep. These are things you need and love, like your favorite clothes or daily-use kitchen tools.

Donate: This box is for items that are still good but you don’t use anymore. Maybe clothes that don’t fit or books you’ve already read. These can go to someone else who needs them.

Trash: Here, you put things that are broken or too worn out to use. These items can’t be fixed and aren’t useful to anyone, like a cracked dish or an old, ripped shirt.

Store: Use this box for things you don’t use often but need to keep. This could be seasonal items like winter coats or holiday decorations. You keep them, but they don’t need to be in your everyday space.

Try Out Digital Options

Cut down on physical clutter by going digital. For instance, instead of keeping piles of paper bills and receipts, scan them and save them on your computer or a cloud service.

The same goes for photographs; you can digitize old photo albums to preserve memories without taking up physical space. This way, your important documents and memories are safely stored digitally, freeing up lots of room in your home.

Follow the One In, One Out Rule

To stop stuff from piling up in your home, use the one in, one out rule. Every time you bring a new item home, like a shirt or a book, choose something old to give away or throw out. This helps you keep only what you really need and use. It also makes you think more carefully before buying something. This way, your home stays neat and you don’t collect things you don’t need.

Give Every Item a Home

Organize your home so that every item has its own place. Put your keys on a hook by the door, your shoes on a rack, and your books on a shelf. This makes cleaning up easier because you know where everything goes. It also saves you time when you’re looking for something, because you know exactly where to find it.

When everything has a place, your home looks neater and feels more relaxing.

Make the Most of Wall Space

Use the walls in your home for storage. Install shelves to keep books, plants, or photo frames. Use wall-mounted organizers in the kitchen for utensils or in the bathroom for toiletries.

This way, you use the space you have without making your rooms feel crowded. It keeps things off the floor, making your home look cleaner and giving you more space to move around.

Time Your Cleaning Sessions

When you declutter, set a timer. Try 30 minutes or an hour, and see how much you can get done. This helps you stay focused and work quickly. You might be surprised at how much you can clean in a short time.

It also makes decluttering feel less overwhelming because you’re only doing it for a little while, not all day.

Do I Need a Professional Organizer to Help Me Get Rid of Clutter?

Deciding whether to get help from a professional organizer when clearing out clutter is a common question. The answer depends on your situation.

If you feel overwhelmed by how much stuff you have, or if you’ve tried to tidy up many times but can’t seem to make progress, a professional house cleaning maid service in Toronto might be just what you need. They have skills and methods to sort things efficiently and can offer advice on keeping your space organized.

However, not everyone needs a professional. If you can handle the job yourself, set small goals, and stay motivated, you might be able to declutter on your own. It’s also a good way to save money. Remember, the key is to start small and keep going. You can always ask for help from friends or family if you need it.


The journey to a decluttered home is unique for everyone, but the benefits are universal. By applying these practical strategies, you can quickly organize your home.

Remember, decluttering is not just a physical task; it’s a lifestyle choice that creates a more orderly, peaceful, and efficient living space.

At Maid in T.O., we understand that decluttering and deep cleaning your home can be a big task. That’s why we offer specialized services to not only clean your home thoroughly but also help you in the decluttering process.

Contact us to learn more about our decluttering services and get a free quote!